Everyday STAYFREE®

  • Live Life. Stay Free®.

    Women's lifestyles are busier than ever. With demands that may include a job, studies, family and household responsibilities, making some time for yourself every now and then is challenging enough.

    The last thing you have time to worry about is feminine protection.

    We invite you to read about various feminine protection issues you may face. And about how STAYFREE® feminine protection products can help.

  • Menstruation for Life Part of the Life Cycle

    The average woman experiences menstrual periods from age 12 to age 51.
  • Menstruation - Is This Normal?

    Learn to recognize the characteristics of a normal menstruation cycle as well as abnormal conditions to be aware of.
  • Bladder Issues and Adult Urinary Incontinence (AUI) Accidents Happen

    Why weakness of the bladder control muscles is common in women, and how AUI is treatable and usually curable at all ages.
  • Perimenopause and Menopause A Normal Part of Life

    Ages 45-55 are the years of change.
  • Your Health as a Woman Be Good to Yourself

    If you don't take care of your health, who will?
  • Protection Approaches Stay Protected-Every Day!

    Versatile feminine protection solutions for everyday.
  • Products for Everyday STAYFREE®

    Learn how Everyday STAYFREE® feminine protection products fit perfect into your on-the-go lifestyle.
  • How to Sleep Better When You Have Your Period

    When you have your period, you guard your own movements. It can be so difficult to get a good night's sleep.